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Digital Authentication Methods

Digital Authentication
admin October 17, 2021

Identity and Access Management empowers enterprises to implement multiple digital authentication methods to prove digital identity and authorize access to exposed digital resources.

Password or Passphrase: A common method used is unique password. Password authentication might be considered as least secured as password might be predicted or easily hacked in multiple ways. For making it more secure organizations set some rules that make password difficult to predict, these might be the length of password, use of mix of capital and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Another drawback in this type of authentication is that users are tend to forget password especially when they set a different password for each site. Single sign on method on one hand resolved this issue but on other hand exposes every resource if that one password is hacked. To secure the resources sometimes multiple authentication levels are set and verification code or pin verification is implemented on top of unique password.

PSK or Pre-Shared Key: It is less secure than a unique password because a key is shared with multiple users having authorization for same enterprise resources. As multiple users might access same key therefore it is more susceptible to unauthorized usage.

Behavioral authentication: This kind of authentication involves Artificial Intelligence techniques. The built-in trend analysis in IAM systems allow organizations recognize outside the norms behavior and lock down the system resources to detected unauthorized users.

Biometric Authentication: Secured resources require precise digital authentication there comes Biometric characteristics. Biometric authentication is based on following characteristics:

  1. Fingerprints or palms
  2. Irises
  3. Face or voice recognition
  4. DNA

The data collection for biometric authentication gives rise to ethical issues like data security, transparency and privacy. Apart from the ethical issues this type of authentication is the most expensive of all.

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