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A Revolution in Automotive Industry

KeyobSAS: Revolution in Automotive Industry
admin October 2, 2021

Renzym AAERP is the first ever custom built software solution for auto parts suppliers and termed as a revolution in automotive industry.

Mike Yashar, the vice president of Best Value Auto Body Supply explains in a video message how KeyobSAS will be a game changer for their business. They system is specifically designed for auto parts suppliers for solving their day to day issues.

RAAERP is a smart solution that covers all the ABC of a business from placing an order overseas, handling containers, receiving and distribution of parts within multiple stores to selling and delivery management.

with the built-in analytics the solution empowers the owner and management to have a birds eye view of each and every business function. The analytics are so designed to achieve the maximum from every business activity.

The cloud based system makes it possible to access the system from any device or location. It is a handy tool for the top tier to remain in touch with the business enterprise to get in touch with everyday proceeds. The built-in user management system allows the management to add, suspend or remove a user from the system.

Top of all is the customer and sales management system that never lets your customers go empty even when your store gets out of stock. The system allows back orders from local stores and keeps you a step ahead of your competitors.

KeyobSAS, is a new hit among the auto body suppliers and is being termed as a revolution in automotive industry.

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